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Teeth Straightening

Teeth Straightening

Teeth Straightening / Orthodontic Treatment

When orthodontic treatment or teeth straightening treatment is required?

When orthodontic treatment or teeth straightening treatment is required?
Its required in following cases
1. When crowding of teeth is present.
2. When gap in between teeth is present.
3. When teeth are not in proper alignment.
4. When upper and lower front teeth do not overlap on closing the bite – openbite
5. When upper front teeth overlaps lower teeth too much or lower front teeth touch palate on biting – Deep bite
6. When upper and lower front teeth are proclined too much.

What are different types of braces?

There are 3  types of braces

Metal braces
Ceramic braces
Self ligating braces

What are invisible braces or clear aligner?

Invisible braces or clear aligners use plastic trays to slowly shift teeth to their proper position. As the treatment advances and the position of teeth changes new aligners are provided to patients after a gap of few weeks.

What are the advantages of clear aligners?

As they are made up of clear material patient can wear them comfortably without being worried about there looks.
Traditional braces can cause discomfort while eating or can cause ulcers on the cheek and lips, which does not happen with clear aligners.
Oral hygiene can be maintained very easily with aligners as they can be removed while brushing and having food. In case of traditional braces maintenance of oral hygiene is bit difficult and patients have to give up on certain foods.