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Kids Dentistry

Kids Dentistry

Kids Dental Treatment

Which dental treatments are available at Vikas Dental Clinic for Kids?

Kids generally present with dental problems like decayed teeth, broken teeth due to any injury, or misaligned teeth. Any such problem, we are there to treat your kid. We treat any dental condition related to kids in our clinic.

The common dental treatments which are performed for kids are
1. Filling
2. Scaling or cleaning of teeth
3. Pulpotomy
4. Pulpectomy
5. Zirconia or metal crowns and
6. Space maintainers.

When is dental filling required in children?

Teeth of children are prone to decay and hence cavities may develop in the tooth which may lead to food lodgement and infecion in tooth. These tooth can be treated by removing infected tooth structure and restoring the tooth with restorative material.